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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can You Remanufacture My Existing Gear or Pump?
    Absolutely! We do so every day. Turnaround times vary based on season and other factors, but we endeavour to make it as quick as possible.
  • Can I Have My Power Steering Made Heavier or Lighter?
    In some cases, we can. It varies depending on the manufacturer. Reach out for more information on your specific make/model of vehicle.
  • Can I Use a ‘stop Leak’ Type Product in My Power Steering Fluid?
    Not recommended! We can always tell when it’s been used. Seals become soft and swell to 3 times their original size. It may temporarily stop the leak; however, it will soften all the seals and hoses in the system causing everything to leak later on.
  • Do I Need to Flush My System When I Change My Gear or Pump?
    You do! Very important when changing a component to start its new life with some fresh clean fluid!
  • I Have Replaced My Gear, Why Does My Truck Now Have a Limited Turning Radius?
    Many gears have relief poppets which are designed to protect the vehicle from damage caused by oversteering. During the reman process we pull these poppets out as far as possible to allow for different installation situations. We will always include poppet setting instructions. We are always just a phone call away if there are any questions.
  • I Just Replaced a Steering Component. Why Does the Reservoir Overflow When I Shut off the Truck?
    Air in the system most likely. Hydraulics compress air, once the pump is shut off, that air expands again causing the overflow. The system needs the air removed. Often this is as simple as just allowing it to sit and let the air come out naturally after a few hours.
  • What is Your Warranty?
    CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD. warrants to the original purchasers that its rebuilt power-steering pumps, gears, cylinders, attachments and other hydraulic components (hereinafter referred to as ‘units’), are reasonably free from defects in material and workmanship when properly installed and adjusted according to the original manufacturer's recommendations and shall be limited to the replacement or repair of any part or parts of the units which may be proven defective under normal use and service within 12 months for on-highway vehicles and 3 months of on/off highway vehicles after installation of the units for the original purchaser, and which to CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD.’s examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to be thus defective. In no event shall CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD. be liable for consequential or special damages, or for transportation, downtime, installation, adjustment, or other expenses which may arise in connection with such unit or parts. If any such unit or part proves to be defective in material or workmanship, the original purchaser waives his or its rights to consequential, special, or incidental damages, and such original purchaser's exclusive remedy shall be the replacement or repair of such units or parts as deemed by CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD. This warranty is expressly in lieu of all other warranties or implied including the warranty of merchantability and fitness of any particular use or purpose, capacity and all other obligations or liabilities on CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD.’s part, and CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD. neither assumes, nor authorizes any other person for it, any other liability in connection with the sale of such units. This warranty shall not apply to any unit or any part thereof which has been subject to over-heating, improper installation, impact or accident damage, negligence, alteration, abuse, misuse, or damage caused by failure of components other than that which CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD. supplied, contamination, and including, but not limited to scored bearing and seal surfaces on shafts; the warranty is void if unit not repaired to CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD..’s specifications. CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD. makes no warranty whatsoever with respect to accessories or parts not supplied by CAN CRAFT AUTO LTD. The term ‘original purchaser’ shall be deemed to mean that person, firm, or corporation for whom the unit was originally sold.
  • What Kind of Fluid Should I Use?
    Check your owner’s manual for the manufacturer's approved fluids. Some vehicles require special fluids to allow for smaller reservoirs, prevent foaming, and adhere to the requirements of different seal compounds.
  • Will I Damage My System If I Drive Without Any Fluid in My Power Steering?
    You sure will. The pump will be destroyed for sure, and the gear is designed for emergency control only without a supply of steering fluid. Prolonged driving will likely damage it as well.


Fantastic Shop

What a fantastic shop!  Mike and his crew were able to rebuild my classic power steering pump with an amazing turnaround time and they were very patient with my myriad of questions.  Would highly recommend.
Richard F. 

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Contact Information

6 & 7-19725 Telegraph Trail
Langley, BC, V1M 3E6


Fax: 604-888-9674

Toll-free: 1-800-663-2567

Working Hours

Monday – Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Service Area

Langley and surrounding areas
Shipping throughout Canada and worldwide 

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